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Monday, November 16, 2009

Windows 7 Launch

Was fun fun fun! I have a picture or two, but am FAR too lazy to actually post them up. All I can say is that the launch was fun! Complete and utter fun. I now have two stickers on my computer table: a green Windows 7 and a very very pretty blue sticker (yes my favourite colour is blue).
The launch was officiated by the Business Group Director of Microsoft, a very unassuming guy. I mean, if I had met him outside of the launch I wouldn’t have given him a second glance, thinking him just an ordinary guy. But I had to admit, the launch for Windows 7 was quite a lot of hype.
Well, the consumer launch came and went in Malaysia on 7th November 2009. Didn't manage to capture much pictures or video this time cause I was a bit distracted by other things. I'd say this went down better than the Windows Vista launch a few years back.
That in it's own made it much better than the Windows Vista launch even if the queue didn't gain much momentum initially.
But then again, most people won't buy Windows 7 on it's own, but rather get the PCs that come with Windows 7.

If we were doing a pure square footage comparison of the event area, the Windows 7 launch in Low Yat is much smaller compared to Windows Vista's launch in Low Yat. All Windows 7 gets is the atrium area in Low Yat.


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